Friday, June 28, 2013

Dear Blogger...

Sorry I haven't been very active with you. Tumblr has made for an excellent blogging system lately and provides exactly the kind of system I need for blogging my stuff. But I figured I would come back here for a different reason. I will use you as a digital online diary of sorts. A little more personal than tumblr but not too personal so that anyone that reads this doesn't think i'm being to open and over sharish (that's a word right?).

Any way, today I will probably work on editing some of my game videos like left 4 dead 2 and minecraft. I will also probably work on drawing some of my outstanding projects I have and do up proper title images for my videos.

I should also probably put in some study for my learners test which i plan to take at the end of july. Hopefully I will pass it this time and be able to start my journey in the world of driving a car.

Any way that is all I have to report. Hopefully I will remember to blog another entry tomorrow or sometime this week.

PS. pretty damn excited for monday and tuesday; i'm getting an iPad and minecraft is finally updating to 1.6 officially. HORSES DUDE, HORSES!!!

Yours artistically,

Sofi (Sakura Bell)

My Best Friend

My Best Friend
This is my beautiful kitty "Rosie" (he's a boy but i named him for his rosie nose)